Jake F. Felice
Jake F. Felice, ND, LMP, USA
Title: Medical cannabis, the endocannabinoid system, and neuroprotection
Biography: Jake F. Felice
The 600-million-year-old endocannabinoid system (ECS) emerged as an early biological harm-reduction system. The ECS maintains a constantly adaptive receptor system that functions as a biological scanning system, detecting biochemical information in the extracellular matrix. The ECS is the most dense of all receptor systems in the CNS, performing a myriad of vital functions. All types of cannabinoids protect neurons from multiple insults that produce neuronal death after TBI, including free radical production, neuroinflammation, excitotoxicity, and calcium influx. In humans, ECS coordination is integral to both health promotion and disease prevention. As a stress reduction system, the ECS responds positively not only to cannabinoids, but also to diet, lifestyle, and physical medicine interventions. The variable nature of the ECS dictates a patient-centered dosing paradigm, and necessitates a time-intensive, education-based approach to care. This presentation takes an evidence based approach highlighting important clinical features of this formerly largely unknown system.